Software Enginer (Windows)

 2 years ago

Headquarters: New York

We're looking for an enthusiastic and experienced Windows developer to help bring the joy of Flexibits apps to Windows. This will include learning the ins and outs of Fantastical and Cardhop on macOS and iOS and bringing their magic to Windows, all the way from the natural language parser to the beautiful user interface.

Skills and requirements

- Full time (40 hours a week)
- Self-motivated and able to work on your own (we're remote, and we trust you to do an awesome job!)
- Previous experience working remotely helps, but isn’t required
- Effective at communicating both in real-time and asynchronously
- Working reading and writing proficiency in English
- Comfortable and proficient using Git, including command-line knowledge of Git
- Highly experienced in C# and Windows UI frameworks
- Experience architecting and designing apps
- Thinking about when to make the tradeoff between "getting it done" and "doing it right" (even if you don't get it right all the time)
- A critical eye for detail in UI/UX and a desire to always try to improve things for the user
- Proactive and always looking for ways to make things better
- If you already use and love Flexibits apps, even better!

Other things you'll enjoy

- Working on an app lots of people rely on and love (and you can make them love it even more!)
- Traveling to a fun place occasionally for in-person team meetings 

To apply:

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